
I majored in graphic design in college where I found the helpful fine art courses that shaped my painting skills I have today. After marrying my husband, we quickly took off to live in Australia for 2 years where I fell in love with the nature and beautiful landscapes there. I photographed, painted and enjoyed every minute of exploring the land down under. Once our time there ended, we moved back to the USA, had our son, and then got another assignment where we would be living in Germany! Europe was different in the best way possible.  Each country unveils a unique tapestry of natural wonders, from the majestic Alps to the serene coastlines and charming villages of Amalfi. My artistic exploration is a testament to the rich diversity of my travels in all the countries I have visited.






I would love to paint something special for you. If you are interested in a commission, please do not hesitate to contact me about it!


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